Phpstorm auto format
Phpstorm auto format

Fix index error in Magento projects ( WI-65276) PhpStorm however didn’t detect these changes in some cases when working with abstract classes. PHP allows you to change the visibility of any method or property to a less strict one during inheritance. Wrong visibility when changing visibility during inheritance ( WI-65245) However, this behavior didn’t work when the expression contained a string (which happens often). When changing a delimiter in a Twig file, PhpStorm will automatically change its corresponding opening and closing delimiter as well. Twig simultaneous delimeter’s editing ( WI-65400) We’ve made some improvements to how multiline arrays are auto formatted by PhpStorm. Multiline array formatting ( WI-61938, WI-65831)

phpstorm auto format

However, when automatically generating a property via the constructor, PhpStorm didn’t set the correct visibility.

Phpstorm auto format code#

PhpStorm allows you to define the default property visibility in Settings / Preferences | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Properties Default Visibility. The and directives within a directive weren’t properly formatted by PhpStorm. It brings a bunch of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. There’s a new preview available of PhpStorm 2022.1.1, the newest minor release of PhpStorm. False-positive warnings about type mismatch for arrays with multiple element types (WI-57903).

phpstorm auto format

Array shapes with single quoted keys (WI-65872).List type in multiline array shapes (WI-65260).Fix index error in Magento projects (WI-65276).Wrong visibility when changing visibility during inheritance (WI-65245).Twig simultaneous delimeter’s editing (WI-65400).

Phpstorm auto format